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$ 3.00
Whether you’re gearing up for an outdoor adventure, on the road, or at your desk, all you need is hot water for the perfect cup of Ramble Coffee. You can now brew our Mexico | Chiapas in convenient, single-serve coffee bags. These bags are crafted for quality, freshness, and convenience - precision ground and nitro sealed.
These single-serve coffee pouches are 100% biodegradable and the outer packaging is made using renewable and compostable materials.

ORIGIN | Mexico
REGION | Chiapas
NOTES | Chocolate Fudge, Toffee, Vanilla
ROAST | Medium 
VARIETAL | Bourbon, Typica
PROCESS | Washed, Sun Dried 
ELEVATION | >1,200 masl

Our MEXICO CHIAPAS is a washed coffee that is both Fair Trade and organically grown from Campesinos Ecológicos de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas coffee cooperative(CESMACH), located in the Chiapas region of Mexico. The coffee is processed at Union El Triunfo in Independencia, a municipality of La Concordia, Chiapas. Growing altitude for this lot is between 900 and 1850 masl with 85% of the plots well above 1,200masl and varieties include Typica and Bourbon.

CESMACH was founded in 1994 by smallholder farmers seeking more transparent access to the coffee market. At the time the local market was dominated by many intermediaries and an absence of technical support and pre-finance, leading to a challenging environment for the farmers. So, the farmers organized themselves into a co-op, which today has 663 members. The co-op is well known for its strong leadership and adept organisation and operates under 3 central maxims:

  • Conservation of natural resources
  • Strong values of respect, loyalty, democracy, social participation, and non-discrimination
  • Economic profitability and efficiency

Organic farming is strongly promoted, resulting in the certification of more than sixty percent of the organization’s members. In total, members have 1,250 hectares under organic coffee cultivation. Premiums are used to support a community savings bank to facilitate member access to financing.

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Shipments and deliveries are typically made on Tuesdays & Thursdays (usually sooner).

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